During an Energy Healing Session, Christian will meditate and tap into your energetic field. Focusing on the seven major chakras, she looks and listens to what your body wants to share. After observing what is taking place on an energetic level, she sends clearing, balancing and healing energy. Once your distance energy healing session is complete, you will have a 30 minute phone call to discuss her findings. During this portion of the Energy Healing Session, you will be able to ask questions and receive coaching.

To close the call, an oracle or tarot card will be pulled with the intention of supporting you on your journey.


Follow up calls are available for people that have had Energy Healing Sessions with Christian. You can use this time to ask questions that have come up for you since your last energy healing session.


This is a package of 3 separate energy healing sessions. You will receive a link to book your 2 remaining sessions.

With the Blossom Package she will meditate and tap into your energetic field. Focusing on the seven major chakras, she looks and listens to what your body wants to share. After observing what is taking place on an energetic level, Christian sends clearing, balancing and healing energy.


This is a package of 6 separate energy healing sessions. You will receive a link to book your 5 remaining sessions.

With this package she will meditate and tap into your energetic field. Focusing on the seven major chakras, she looks and listens to what your body wants to share. After observing what is taking place on an energetic level, Christian sends clearing, balancing and healing energy.


Christian will use traditional Usui reiki and tap into your energetic field. Focusing on the seven major chakras, she looks and listens to what your body wants to share. After observing what is taking place on an energetic level, she sends clearing, balancing and healing energy. Once your distance reiki session is complete she will send a voice note with her findings.


This is a 15 minute call with Christian to ask questions or have her pull an oracle card for you.

Whether you need support with creating practices to support and ground you, managing ADHD, grief, anxiety and/or depression, or getting out of your own way to reach your next level, Christian has tools and practices to assist.


My ultimate goal is to remove the stigma around mental health and educate so that everyone can go from surviving, to a state of well being, then flourish.